Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pet Facts 101: Unconventional Pet Treats

by Kiara on November 19, 2012

Here at, we know it can be hard not to spoil your pet with delicious treats all the time. Although treats are usually are given to pets when they show good behavior, some enjoy treating their pet an extra special snack or two while they?re eating at the dinner table and their pet is waiting anxiously below just because. While your pet shouldn?t eat all the food scraps you drop on the ground for a treat, there are also some unconventional treats you can serve your pet as well!

A popular new treat for dogs is ?Frosty Paws? which is ice cream for dogs that come in flavors such as peanut butter and original. Although these frozen treats have not been tasty to humans, dogs go crazy over them!

Cats are always thought to love eating fish treats but there are other types of food they love as treats as well! Some favorite unique treats cats love including avacados!

Fresh fruits and veggies are also good for your pet. Birds love to snack on grapes and sprouts, but did you know that birds also love to eat popcorn as a treat as well? You can serve your bird either unpopped or popped corn kernels. There?s a variety of foods you can serve your pet that can be something different of a treat from the norm. Ask your vet to see which foods are good for your pet and they will love you for the new treat!??Want to find some great treats for your pet? Head over to MyFavoritePetShop for great treats!?

Happy Pet Spoiling!

Related posts:

  1. Pet Facts 101: Spoiled Pets
  2. Pet Facts 101: Fall Fashion
  3. Pet Facts 101: Worst Classroom Pets


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